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Notice of Nomination Period for Village of Bible Hill

Office of Village Commissioner - 2 (two) seats

Nomination forms may be obtained from the Clerk and Treasurer at the Village Office, 67 Pictou Road, during regular business hours (8:30 AM to 4:30 PM), weekdays between May 11 and May 18, 2023, for two (2) candidates to be elected Village Commissioners for three (3) year terms ending June 2026.

Nominations for Village Commissioner shall be made on the prescribed paper form, supported by the endorsement of five (5) electors, accompanied by a deposit of $200.00, signed by the candidate, and filed in person by the candidate or their agent with the Clerk and Treasurer.
Qualifications of a Village Commissioner and other nomination and election information can be found online at, or by contacting the Clerk and Treasurer. For accessibility accommodation requests, please contact the Clerk and Treasurer.

Mitchell Bell, CPA, CA
Clerk and Treasurer - Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | Phone: 902-893-8083

2023 Nomination Period

Local Senior Games: May 8 - 12, 2023

This is a week-long schedule of competitive and non-competitive games focusing on all abilities, and organized by seniors in Bible Hill, Colchester County and Truro. Activities include games such as scrabble, pickleball, cribbage and washer toss.

Any senior 55 and better can participate. Join the fun, make friends and enjoy great fellowship!

For more information:

  • Colchester Recreation 902-897-3185

  • Town of Truro Parks, Recreation and Culture 902-893-6093

  • Village of Bible Hill Recreation 902-893-8083

Click here to view/print the registration form and schedule!


Please do not feed deer

If you feed deer, please don't, and instead consider their safety and the welfare of yourself, your family, and neighbours.

Wildlife fed in residential areas lose their natural fear of people and become vulnerable, while young animals can fail to learn the skills required to secure their natural diets. Backyard feeding often means animals travel near and across roadways, sidewalks and around houses.

Deer naturally have several adaptations that help them survive winter including:
- a thick winter coat of hollow hair;
- storage of fat through summer and fall for winter use; and
- reduced activity and slowed metabolism requiring less food.

Concentrating deer around feeders near homes causes a number of problems, including:
- danger to people and pets;
- property damage on lawns, ornamental shrubs, and trees;
- hazards to local traffic as they move to and from the feeding site;
- domestic dogs chasing and even killing deer, or dogs injured or killed; and
- higher susceptibility to disease.

Please be a good neighbour and do not feed deer.

To learn more about living safely with wildlife, please visit:



Neighbourhood Safety Talk

The Village, in partnership with the Colchester District Royal Canadian Mounted Police, will be holding an information session for Bible Hill residents on neighbourhood safety tips, as well as components of a neighbourhood watch program and the RCMP's Citizens on Patrol (COP) initiative.

This is a great opportunity to learn how you can help keep your community safe and prevent crime.

If you're interested in attending, please register in advance by:

- filling out the form at the QR code or this link

- or calling the office at 902-893-8083.

The session will be held on May 24th at 7:00 PM at H. Douglas Boyce Village Hall, 69 Pictou Road.

Let's work together to create a safer and stronger community.


RCMP Safety Talk social

Recently adopted by-laws

Commissioners recently adopted a new set of by-laws governing the affairs of the Village.

In accordance with the Municipal Government Act, the by-laws were approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing.

A copy of the by-laws can be found on our website (along with our policies) at or for direct download by clicking here.

If you have any questions, please contact a Commissioner or the Clerk and Treasurer.

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