Election Results for Village of Bible Hill
Election Results for Village of Bible Hill:
Village of Bible Hill held an election this week, with advance polling on Tuesday from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. and regular polling today from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.
After careful counting and verification of votes in the presence of scrutineers, the Village confirms the following vote count:
Hema Chopra – 157;
Dwight Giddens – 182 – elected as Village Commissioner for a term to June 2026; and
Tim Shea – 169 – elected as Village Commissioner for a term to June 2026.
Congratulations and best wishes to the successful candidates in their roles as they work towards the betterment of our Village. Their dedication and commitment to serving the community are greatly appreciated.
The Village would also like to extend gratitude to each of the candidates who put their name forward to serve the community and to voters who took part in this democratic process. Your passion and ideas are invaluable assets, and we encourage you to stay engaged and continue to contribute to the ongoing development of Bible Hill. Your participation is vital in building a strong and vibrant community.
At their next meeting on June 13, newly elected Commissioners will be sworn-in, and Commissioners will elect a Chair and Deputy Chair to lead the Commission and Commission in Committee meetings and will also make committee appointments for the year ahead.
Voting statistics:
- 285 electors voted (7.3%)
- 3,870 electors are on the list of electors
- 51 electors were added to the list of electors for the purpose of voting in this election
For election inquiries, please contact the Clerk and Treasurer at 902-893-8083 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. For general information, please contact our office by phone, email, or at 67 Pictou Road, visit our website at biblehill.ca, or follow our Village of Bible Hill page on Facebook