Winter Events
Event Registrations
To register for any of the events hosted by the Village that require it, or for assistance or accommodations, please contact the office at 67 Pictou Road, admin@biblehill .ca or 902-893-8083. If the event registration requires payment, we accept cash or cheque during regular business hours – Monday to Friday from 8:30 AM to 12 :00 PM and 1:00 PM to 4:30 PM. Unless otherwise stated, Village programming takes place at H. Douglas Boyce Village Hall, located at 69 Pictou Road.
Cookie Decorating
Join us on Wednesday, December 20, at 7:00 PM for an evening of cookie decorating. We provide cookies, icing, and decorations, at no cost to you! To ensure we have enough cookies for everyone, please contact the Village Office to register by December 15. Let’s come together to spread the joy of the holiday season with sweet treats and deliciously festive fun.
Holiday Ornament Painting
Village of Bible Hill is hosting a Clay Café holiday ornament painting event on Thursday, December 7, from 6:30 PM to 9:00 PM. All festive supplies will be provided and registration fee is $10 per painter. Visit the Office to register! We can’t wait to see your fabulously festive paint skills!
Bible Hill Garden Club Centerpiece Workshop
Please join the Bible Hill Garden Club on Sunday, December 3 from 1:30 PM to 3:30 PM at 69 Pictou Road, for their annual Centerpiece Workshop.Tickets are $10. All festive supplies will be provided, but please bring your own clippers and gloves if you have them. Spaces will be filling up fast so register soon!
Paint Night
In collaboration with Rustic Country Creations, we will be hosting a “Paint Night” on Wednesday, December 13 at 7:00 PM. Join us – and let those creative skills shine! Registration opens on November 20, at a cost of $25 per person. Spots are limited. Visit the Village Office to register!
Light Up Bible Hill Contest
Get in the festive spirit this season by decorating your home for the holidays! Starting on Monday, December 4, there will be a Facebook competition for the best lights and decorations. Submissions must be submitted via email to admin@biblehill. ca by the resident, and must include one photo, the address and resident’s name. Submissions will be posted, as they are submitted, on our Facebook page. The 3 submissions with the most “likes” on Monday, December 20, at 10:00 AM will win!
Holiday Trivia Night (Cancelled)
Tour of Lights
In partnership with the Nova Scotia Community Health Board, we’re bringing back our Bible Hill Tour of Lights! On a date and time to be determined, a tour bus will be travelling around Bible Hill to look at the beautiful local light displays! So, get in the festive spirit this season by decorating your home for the holidays for all your neighbours to enjoy! This event will require registration, as there will be limited seats available. Stay tuned for more information!