May Senior Social

Join us at our Senior Social for an afternoon of music, dancing and socializing. It will be held on Thursday, May 30 from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM at H. Douglas Boyce Village Hall, 69 Pictou Road, Bible Hill.
Local Senior Games Week

The Local Senior Games is back from May 6 to 10!
Come, join us! Local Senior (55+) Games Week is a great event aimed at keeping seniors active all while having fun and making connections in their communities! You may participate in as many events as you wish!
Click here to see the registration form!
To register, or for assistance or accommodations, please contact the office at 67 Pictou Road, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 902-893-8083.
Registration deadline : April 29th
March Senior Social

Join us at our Senior Social for an afternoon of music, dancing and socializing. It will be held on Thursday, March 28 from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM at H. Douglas Boyce Village Hall, 69 Pictou Road, Bible Hill.
Canada Day Parade Registration

We're looking for Canada Day Parade applicants! Please help spread the word to individuals, organizations, and businesses that may be interested in participating in our upcoming street parade on Monday, July 1.
Interested parties are encouraged to plan and apply early.
To register a parade entry, visit, scan the QR code on the image or contact us for a paper form.
For more information, assistance, or accommodations, please contact the office at 67 Pictou Road in writing or in-person, email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call us at 902-893-8083.
Notice of Surplus Asset Disposal - Kitchen/Hall Items
Notice of Disposal of Surplus Assets:
The following items are available for purchase as of April 9, 2024 : Commercial kitchen and hall items
Please contact the Clerk and Treasurer at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 902-893-8083 to negotiate a sale.
Bible Hill not-for-profit organizations may apply to receive one or more of these item at no cost. Interested parties may contact the Clerk and Treasurer for details.