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Senior Fitness Cancelled - June 21

Today's fitness class is cancelled as Lisa is feeling unwell. Class will be happening on Monday, and then will start on Tuesdays the following week, for the Summer, at 10:00 AM

Senior Fitness ad 1

Sensory Friendly Family Open Gym

Sensory Friendly Family Open Gym will be starting up again this week. Please note the day/location changes and that this program is intended for kids with varying sensory sensitivities and their families

Date: Every Thursday
Time: 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Location: H. Douglas Boyce Village Hall, 67 Pictou Road.

To register, or for assistance or accommodations, please contact the office at 67 Pictou Road, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 902-893-8083.Sensory Friendly Open Gym

Summer Senior Fitness

There will be no class this Friday, June 14th. We will continue to have 3 classes per week (Monday and Wednesday at 10:45AM and Friday at 11:45AM) until June 21st. There will be a class on June 24 at 10:45AM and then we will be moving to a new schedule for Summer Senior Fitness Class.

Senior Fitness adBeginning on Tuesday, July 2 and going until Tuesday, August 27 we will be changing things up for the summer and going down to having one Summer Senior Fitness Class every Tuesday at 10:00 AM.

Girls at Bat - Summer Program

The Village will be offering another Girls at Bat program, in partnership with Jays Care Foundation!

Here's what you need to know about the program:

- This program is FREE!
- It is aimed for those 6 years and up, who identify as a girl, who want to try or be apart of a fun and inclusive baseball experience!
- No experience required. Your child does not need to know how to play baseball.
- No equipment? No problem! Jays Care Foundation has provided us with gloves for everyone during the program
- Cleats are not mandatory

Ages 6 to 9 will play from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM at the Bible Hill Recreation Park on Field 2 and the details for ages 10 and up will be determined on registration numbers.

The program will run every Tuesday beginning June 18, 2024, for 5 weeks, ending July 23 (no program on July 2).

To register, click the following link:

For assistance or accommodations, please contact the office at 67 Pictou Road, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 902-893-8083

Copy of Girls at Bat

Election Results 2024

-Commissioner Kevin Kennedy re-elected-

Village of Bible Hill held an election this week, with advance polling on Tuesday from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. and regular polling today from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.

After the counting of votes in the presence of scrutineers, the Village confirms the following vote count:

Sean MacDonald – 99; and

Kevin Kennedy – 316 – elected as Village Commissioner for a term to June 2027.

The Village would like to extend gratitude to each candidate who put their name forward to serve the community and to voters who took part in this democratic process. Your participation is vital in building a strong and vibrant local community.

At their next meeting on June 11, the elected Commissioner will be sworn-in, and Commissioners will elect a Chair and Deputy Chair to lead the Commission and Commission in Committee meetings and will also make committee appointments for the year ahead.

Voting statistics:
- 416 electors voted (10.1%)
- 4,106 persons are on the list of electors
- 10 persons were added to the list of electors for the purpose of voting in this election
- 1 ballot was spoiled

For election inquiries, please contact the Clerk and Treasurer at 902-893-8083 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

For general information, please contact our office by phone, email, or at 67 Pictou Road, visit our website at, or follow our Village of Bible Hill page on Facebook.

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